From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

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Key design principles

Key design principles

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm going to use the word gestalt, but don't run away. I promise, a gestalt approach will actually make your PowerPoint creations better and easier to create. In fact, it's going to enhance all tasks that invoke some kind of design work. So let's talk about gestalt and what I really mean are gestalt principles of design. The term gestalt comes from the German word for shape or form. It refers to the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, it helps us understand how people separate and group objects that they see. Take this famous example of a vase, or is it a picture of two faces? This is the principle of figure-ground at work, where people will naturally divide or segment visuals into figures or the object that is the subject of the visual and the ground or the background. When there is ambiguity in the design or more than one way of seeing the design,…
