From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

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Creating bullet point alternatives in PowerPoint

Creating bullet point alternatives in PowerPoint

From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

Creating bullet point alternatives in PowerPoint

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to be building off of lessons learned in the previous movie and we're going to be creating our own bullet list alternatives in PowerPoint using several different methods. If you'd like to follow along, open up the exercise file 02-05-creating_bullet_alternatives and you'll see a file that looks very similar to this one. Now, the first method I'm going to show you is the longest method for creating bullet list alternatives and that is to take content that has been created in this title and content layout to take that text, to cut it, click anywhere outside that slide, and hit Control + V on your keyboard to paste it as just a simple text box. Now for here, you'll probably want to remove any bullet points or numbered lists that have been added, and you want to then do that for the remaining items in that placeholder. So cut, Control + X, click outside, Control + V to paste, remove…
