From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Reduce data

Reduce data

- [Instructor] This is a lovely dataset, but not yet in the shape that I need it to be in to work within Power BI, for use in a state by state analysis. For example, we have a total row at the bottom and we don't need that. We also have the District of Columbia included, and if our intention is to only compare states, then we need to eliminate the District of Columbia from our dataset. One way to remove both of these rows, District of Columbia and United States total is to delete the rows that were never admitted to the United States. There's a null value here. And while I could select and delete here, this isn't how we do this because any changes that we make here to the dataset are not persistent changes. Instead, what we'll want to do is go Home, select under Queries, Transform Data. And this will fire up Power BIs, Power Query Editor. You may wonder if this is similar to the Power Query editor in Excel. It's the same Power Query editor. So if I make choices here, they will…
