From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Solution: Create a table

Solution: Create a table

(upbeat music) - [Host] I hope you're able to successfully add in a new table for berries into the fruit database. Let's walk through the solution. First, I want to make sure that I'm inside of the right database, so I'm going to go up here and just scroll up in the tree and make sure that I'm following that tree appropriately. So we're going to go into our Postgres server into the fruit database inside of the schemas, we'll find the public schema. And then finally inside of there, we'll find the tables collection. Here I can right click, point to create, and choose table. All right, we're going to name this table berries and we'll go over to the columns tab. And I'm just going to add in a couple of columns here. We'll just get started with five rows and we can fill in all of those details. So the first column is going to be for the berry id and this will be an integer data type. So I'll just type in the word integer.…
