From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Retrieve information with a SELECT query

Retrieve information with a SELECT query - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

Retrieve information with a SELECT query

- [Instructor] We've already run a number of queries against the tables in our Postgres database. Anytime you see a command that starts with the keyword, select, well that's a query, and it's requesting some information from a database. Let's dive a bit deeper and see how to write a few queries to explore the products in the Kinetico database. If you're following along and you have this query on your screen right now from when we imported some data into the products table, you'll realize that you actually can't type up here in this query box. What we need to do is close this tab, and then come over and click the query tool. That'll open up another tab that looks identical but we can actually type up here in the top. So I'm going to enter in a query that we've seen previously. Select star from manufacturing dot products. To run the query press the play button, or the execute button, or click F5 on your keyboard. That'll…
