From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

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Enforce referential integrity on related records

Enforce referential integrity on related records - PostgreSQL Tutorial

From the course: PostgreSQL Essential Training

Enforce referential integrity on related records

- [Narrator] We've created a schema, inserted some tables, and established a relationship between those two tables. Now, let's test out the entire system by adding data to the Kinetico database. Let's start with the categories table. Select anything in the tree inside of the Kinetico database and then click the Query Tool button. I'll start with the query Select * FROM manufacturing.categories. Click the Execute button to run the query to see the results in the Data Output pane. Here, we get the column structure for the table. Notice these pencil icons. These mean that this table is editable right here in the Output window, and we can add values using this graphical interface. In previous videos, we used the Insert Query to add data to a table but had to write out the command manually. This is another example of how the graphical interface can make working with a Postgres database a little bit easier for new users. So…
