From the course: Pitching to Investors

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Know your pitch

Know your pitch

- By now, you've talked to quite a few people about your company, right? That's great. That's your first step. In this section, let's learn to practice and refine your pitch even further so you can nail it with no stress and no mistakes when the pressure is on. Let's start with where not to practice. You don't want to practice your pitch on potential investors. You may have heard the saying before, and it's so true. You'll never get a second chance to make a first impression. And with investors, you likely won't get a second chance at all. This was a big and painful lesson I learned early on as a founder. I had a great contact who believed in what I was building and was willing to make connections to investors. Sounds perfect, right? I took those meetings. I hadn't practiced my pitch enough and it turned out that I burned through all of those investors before my product and my pitch were ready. So you get to…
