From the course: Pitching to Investors

Early stages

- The first stages of building a company are not always as glamorous as it sounds. Did you know that Airbnb tried to raise money and was turned down so many times? They actually sold collectible cereal to raise their first capital. And the guy who founded Pinterest, Ben Silverman, he was told no 10 times by investors before he could secure seed funding. Another one investor, investor Ron Conway of SV Angel said no one some of the biggest guys in tech, Pandora in back when they were small. I've been building companies for 10 years and I'm an investor now. I know firsthand that when you're in the early stages of building a company, the fundraising process is intimidating. People give you all kinds of advice and you don't know where to start or who to listen to. In this course, we'll start by clarifying the terms and players involved in venture capital. So you won't trip over the lingo. Then we'll talk about how to use the network you already have to connect with investors who might be a good fit and prep you for actually meeting and making your pitch. Think about successful companies like Airbnb and Pinterest at their earliest stages. Then think of where you are now with your company. My goal is to help you prepare and give you the tools to start a successful fundraising process. So let's get started.
