From the course: Photoshop for Fashion Design: 2 Rendering Techniques

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Wool and flannel using Noise

Wool and flannel using Noise

- [Instructor] Let's use the Noise filter to change the appearance of this illustration from cotton to wool and it's actually really easy to do. Noise is one of those all-purpose filters that can do a lot of things in a lot of different illustrations. I'm going to activate the coat layer, go up to Filter, Noise, Add Noise. I want to make sure it's Monochromatic. It needs to always be Monochromatic to avoid adding all these rainbow colors in here. And whether you choose Uniform or Gaussian is your choice, whichever look you prefer, so we're going to turn on Monochromatic, and let's go with Gaussian for this one. I'm going to lower the Noise amount a little bit and we can move this away to see how it looks on the page. And that looks pretty good to me. We can turn our highlight and shadow back on. And now we've got a wool coat. Let's do the same for the pants. I activate the pants layer, go up to Filter, Noise, Add Noise, and this time maybe instead of Gaussian, let's try Uniform…
