From the course: Photoshop for Fashion Design: 2 Rendering Techniques

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Creating a sketch from a photo

Creating a sketch from a photo

- [Instructor] Now, here's a technique to work on a face from a photo and ultimately make it match the style of your final illustration. So the first thing we're going to do to this face is desaturate it. Image, Adjustments, Desaturate. Then we're going to take it and run a filter on it, and that is Filter, Other, High Pass. Now, High Pass, you want to keep the number very very low. I never go over four, sometimes I go as low as two. For this one, I think just over three seems to work very nicely. But basically, you want it to not look like a photo, you want to drag it as low as you can, so it looks closer to a line drawing. And I'll click OK. And now we're going to do Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur. And again, we don't want too much. I'm only blurring this around 3% or three pixels, and click OK. And now, we're going to go Image, Adjustments, Levels. We're going to take the white slider and drag it all the way until the background becomes white. And then we're going to take the black…
