From the course: Penetration Testing Essential Training (2021)

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Web server penetration using sqlmap

Web server penetration using sqlmap

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we approach the initial penetration of a web server using SQLmap. To do this, I'll use a target in the LinkedIn Learning pen testing lab. If you want to know more about this lab, check out my advanced Kali course. The target we'll use is the Europa server, which is on address Our VPN into the lab. And we'll do a deep end map scan with the minus A switch. Nmap -PS -F -A, We can see we've got three ports open. SSH on port 22 and both HTTP and HTTPS web services on ports 80 and 443 respectively. And we're running an Apache 2.4.18 website. We can see the SSL certificate uses the subject name, europacorp.htb, with alternate names of www.europacorp.htb, and admin-portal.europacorp.htb. This indicates we may be looking at a name server. Let's go visit the websites. If we go to, we can see we've got the default Apache2 webpage. When we go to HTTPS, we…
