From the course: Penetration Testing Essential Training (2021)

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The cyber kill chain

The cyber kill chain

- [Instructor] Cyber attack is now recognized as a serious threat to governments, businesses, and to individuals. Nowadays, cyber attacks come mostly from organized criminals and state sponsored agents, using well-defined end to end business processes and attack techniques. Let's look at the various stages that an attack will go through, from inception to achieving its ultimate goal. In 2009, a team from the Lockheed Martin Cyber Emergency Response Team produced a seminal paper on cyber attack called Intelligence-Driven Computer Network Defense Informed by Analysis of Adversary Campaigns and Intrusion Kill Chains. This can be downloaded from their website shown here. The research paper introduced the concept of what is now commonly known as the cyber kill chain. The cyber kill chain views an attack in seven stages, reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and action. An attack…
