From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training

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Understanding sprites

Understanding sprites

- [Narrator] If you've created custom particles or worked with animated particles before, you've probably worked with sprites. Sprites are custom layers, designed to be used as particles themselves. They can be an image, image sequence, movie, or a precomposition. It's generally recommended that they be under 200x200 pixels. Although that's only a recommendation, not a rule. If we look at our project here, you'll note that I have one layer. So go ahead and select that layer, it's a layer of solid-colored particles. And I want to go to my Effect Controls panel so I'll just click on that to bring it to the front. If you don't see yours, just go up under Window and choose Effect Controls. And in here you'll notice I have an emitter. It's a sphere emitter and it's continuously emitting 100 particles per second. And if we scroll down to the particle area here, the particle type is a Sphere. So I'll go ahead and press the space bar to preview the animation and you can see all these…
