From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training

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Animating emitter positions

Animating emitter positions

- [Instructor] Animating the position of an emitter is more about the passage of information between elements in a scene, rather than just positioning the elements within the scene itself. Let me show you what I mean. In this project, I have this rocket, and I want to create a particle system that creates particles flying out the bottom of the rocket. In order to actually have that follow the rocket, I need to tie the position of the particle emitter to the bottom of this layer. So if I select layer one, which is my rocket layer, I want you to notice right now, the anchor point is in the middle of that layer. So I'm going to press shift and the question mark key, or the forward slash key to resize the comp panel here, and I'll press A to open up my anchor point options. I'll go ahead and scrub on the Y axis 'til I get my anchor point right near the bottom of my rocket. So that's set a Y parameter of 786. The reason I reset the anchor point is because this is what's going to drive the…
