From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training

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Adjusting life

Adjusting life

- In this video, we're going to talk about the lifespan of individual particles. But I also want to draw your attention to how the lifespan can affect other parameters within a particle system. For example, the colors of these particles change based on the duration of their life. We can also make changes of the opacity based on the duration of their life and the size based on the duration of their life. So the lifespan encompasses many more things than just whether or not you see an individual particle. Let's go ahead and select layer two in the timeline and if you're not seeing these particles, make sure you're current time indicator is right around three seconds. Notice how all these particles disappear right here at the end. Well, with layer two selected in the timeline, if we go up to our effect controls panel in the emitter options, I want you to note that I actually have a point emitter that is directional and it's angled to throw the particles in this general direction. And…
