From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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(gentle music) - Welcome to this lesson on tagging. Tagging is a very, very important capability within OCI and you should definitely leverage it. Let's talk more about it. So at the core, what is tagging? Tags are basically these key-value pairs, which you could use to better organize your resources. So as you can see here, this particular instance, I'm trying to, I have put two different tags. So there is a tag which is environment with a value of production. And there's another tag which is project and is a value of alpha. And I could do multiple tags. You should always check service limits as to how many tags I could put on a particular cloud object. But in this case, I'm putting two tags here. And these, again, just to recap, are simple key-value pairs or name-value pairs where the key is the key for the tag. And then the value is the value you want to assign. So the idea here is you are going to run hundreds…
