From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Security Zones and Security Advisor

Security Zones and Security Advisor

(bright musical tones) - Welcome to this lesson on Security Zones and Security Advisor. Security Zone is to configure a location in which you cannot disable security. Security Advisor is a service that unifies Security Zone, Cloud Guard and some other capabilities together in a cohesive whole. In this lesson, we will look into both of these services. So first, let's look at security zones. What are these security zones? Well, we talked about that you have resources in your compartments. As you can see here, you have two compartments, compartment A and compartment B. You could designate compartment B as a security zone. What does that mean? Well, that means that, that this particular compartment once it's assigned sort of this Security Zone nomenclature has a set of security zone recipes. These are nothing but your policies which get enforced here. And anytime there's a policy violation that operation is denied. So…
