From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Oracle Support Rewards

Oracle Support Rewards

(bright music) - [Rohit] Hello, and welcome. In this lesson, let us look at Oracle Support Rewards. Oracle Support Rewards is a program that provides additional value to Oracle's on-premises customers who also consume OCI services. So based on their consumption of OCI services, customers can earn Support Rewards that are then applied as a form of payment for their software update licenses and support for Oracle technology programs Oracle customers save 25 cents for every dollar spent on OCI. While Oracle ULA, ULA stands for Unlimited License Agreement, customers can save 33 cents per dollar spent on OCI. So the idea here is the more customers use OCI, the more the savings are, and eventually, they can decrease the tech license support spend to as low as zero. So let us look at an Oracle Support Rewards example. Let's say you have a spend on tech support for on-premises licenses and software of $450 per month. So…
