From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes introduction

Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes introduction

From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes introduction

(gentle music) - [Instructor] Welcome to this lesson on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes, also referred to as, OKE. Let's get started. Before we dive deeper into OKE and look at all its details, first, let's look at the difference between virtual machines and containers. Well, in case of virtual machines we have an hypervisor like an ESXI and virtual machines running on top of the hypervisor. Each virtual machine has its own operating system inside it and then the libraries and the dependencies and the application. Now, in case of containers we have a different kind of environment. So we have the underlying hardware which is the same as a case of virtual machines. And then we have the operating system. And then we have what is referred to as a container runtime, like Docker installed on the operating system. Now this container runtime, this case, Docker, manages the containers that run with the libraries and…
