From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Object Storage

Object Storage

(gentle music) - Welcome back to the lesson on OCI Object storage. What is OCI Object Storage? Well, it's an internet-scale, high-performance storage platform. In here, data is managed as objects. Irrespective of the kind of data you store, they're all managed as objects. It's ideal for unstructured data, like your logs, your videos, your pictures, your text files. It's a regional service. It's a public service. There are multiple storage tiers and we'll look into each of them. You can still have private access from OCI resources, like your compute instances. So even though it's a public service, you could still have private access and several other mechanisms to do that. And then there are lots of advanced capabilities. This is a foundational course so we are not going to go into those features, but it's a very rich, feature-rich service. So what are the scenarios in which you would use an OCI object storage?…
