From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Load Balancer

Load Balancer

(ethereal music) - Welcome back to this lesson on OCI load balancer service. Let me just quickly talk about why you would use load balancer. You would use load balancer to achieve high availability and also achieve scalability. So typically, the way load balancer works is they're also referred to as reverse proxies, you would have a load balancer, which would be used, accessed by multiple clients, various clients, and these clients would hit the load balancer, and the load balancer would proxy that traffic to the various backend servers, so in this way, it not only protects the various backend servers, but also provides high availability in case a particular backend server is not available, the application can still be up and running, and then it also provides scalability because if lots of clients start hitting the load balancer, you could easily add more backends, more backend servers. And there are several other…
