From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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(light music) - Welcome to this module on Oracle Functions. Functions is a serverless offering. You might wonder, "What is serverless?" Let's look into it. So as you look at the journey on one axis, if you plot abstractions on the other axis, you plot this control and sort of decreasing concern. It's sort of a journey where you start with a bare metal machine where you have the access to the full machine, then there's virtual machines where you take that big bare metal server and you divide it into smaller segments, which could all be run independently of each other. So you have this VMs and then there is a movement towards container. The VMs were very heavy. They took lot of time to boot up. They led to low resource utilization and lots of other issues. They were not portable, et cetera. So we took all that and then we created containers, where you have a container runtime. The containers share the OS…
