From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Vault

Demo: Vault

(gentle music) - [Rohit] Welcome to this demo on the OCI Vault service. Let's get started. I am logged onto the OCI console, and to bring up the vault service, I'll on the navigation menu and click on Identity & Security. And vault is listed under the Identity & Security link, under the Identity & Security menu, as it's one of the security services. So I'll click on Vault, and we'll create a vault, and we'll create a master encryption key in that vault. So right now, you can see here there is nothing which exists, and you can read more on what vaults are and so forth, right? So if you click on Create Vault here, it gives me an option to create a vault. I can provide a name, and it's asking for the compartment. I'm okay with the sandbox compartment, so let's give it a name. I would say this is vaultdemo, and I have an option to make it a virtual private vault. Now, when you do that virtual private vault, it creates…
