From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Security Zones

Demo: Security Zones

(gentle intro) - [Rohit] Hello and welcome. In this demo let us look at Security Zones. When you create a security zone, you select one or more compartments and a recipe. A security zone recipe specifies which policies you want to enforce. Oracle provides a default set of policies, but you can create your own policies. Any attempt to create or modify resources in the Security Zone that violates one of the zone's policies is denied. Security Zone uses Cloud Guard as you can see in the diagram here to routinely scan your zones and report any zone policy violation. And this is important. You must enable Cloud Guard before you can use security zones. So, let us look at security zones in action. Here, I'm logged onto the Oracle Cloud console and if I click on the Navigation menu I can bring up Identity and Security services. And I can see Security Zones listed here as Security Zones is part of OCI security portfolio.…
