From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Object Storage

Demo: Object Storage

(bright music) - [Rohit] Hello, and welcome. In this demo, let us look at OCI Object Storage Service. We are going to create a bucket and upload an object to that particular bucket. So let's get started. As you can see here, I'm logged onto the OCI console. So to access object storage service, let me click on the navigation menu and click on storage, and you can see all the storage services listed here. Block storage, file storage, object storage. So I'll click on object storage, and it'll give me the interface to create buckets and upload objects. So you can see here it says create bucket. I click on it, and it picks up a bucket name, default name, I'm okay with that name. And then it asks me to choose a storage tier, whether it's standard or archive. And remember, there's also a tier in between called infrequent access, and you can enable auto-tiering, which basically moves infrequently accessed objects from the…
