From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Load Balancer

Demo: Load Balancer

(atmospheric chiming) - [Instructor] Welcome to this demo on OCI load balancer. In this particular demo, this is the scenario or the topology we are going to use. So you see a VCN here with two subnets, a public subnet and a private subnet, and two web servers. And these web servers are instantiated inside the private subnet, meaning they don't have public IP address and that's okay because the load balancer is in the public subnet and these web servers act as backends to the load balancer. So this is the setup we are going to run for this demo. So let's get started. The first thing we need to do is to create a virtual cloud network. So I'll click on networking, click on virtual cloud network, and bring up the VCN wizard to create the virtual cloud network. So I can see there are no networks here and I'm in the sandbox compartment. So click on start VCN wizard and I'm going to use this particular setup,…
