From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Create VCN using VCN Wizard

Demo: Create VCN using VCN Wizard

(logo chimes) - [Instructor] Welcome. In this demo, we are going to create a VCN using the OCI VCN Wizard. So this is the topology we are going to follow in our demo. We'll create a VCN with two subnets, one being a public subnet, other being a private subnet, and then we will create these gateways: internet gateway, NAT gateway, and service gateway. So let's get started. I am logged onto my OCI console here and to bring up the networking services I'll click on the navigation menu on the left-hand side and click on Networking here. As you can see from this view, that all the networking services are grouped under this Networking link here. So all the services are available. So to bring up the virtual cloud networks, I'll click on Virtual cloud networks here, and this will bring up the options to create a VCN. So there's a manual option to create VCN and then there is a way to create VCN using the VCN Wizard. So let me…
