From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Console walkthrough

Demo: Console walkthrough

(gentle music) - [Rohit] Hello and welcome. In this demo let us do a quick walkthrough of the OCI console. So this is the OCI console and you can access it using this single URL And then you have to enter your tenancy name and your username and password. In the identity module, we will cover how to log in with your credentials to the console. But here, let me do a quick walkthrough of the different features which the console enables. So the first thing here is you can see this is the homepage, the dashboard, some getting-started links. There are some quick starts right here. And as you scroll down, you can see some launch. You can launch some resources very quickly. Now the one area which I want to show you is the service navigation menu. Also, you know this icon here, the hamburger icon, you can access it using this hamburger icon. So if you click on it, now you can see the various services…
