From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Compute Instance creation

Demo: Compute Instance creation

(gentle music) (logo whooshing) - [Rohit] Welcome to this demo on OCI compute instance. In this particular demo, we are going to instantiate an instance and a compute instance inside of VCN, and then we are going to manually build the VCN. We'll create internet gateway, modify the route tables and the security list, and then we are going to install Apache Web Server on this particular instance. So let's get started. All right, I'm logged on to the OCI Console here in the Ashburn region. So first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create a virtual cloud network, so click on Virtual cloud network. And this time, we are going to create a VCN using the manual method, not the wizard. So click on Create VCN, and we need to provide a name here. So let's say, because I'm in Ashburn region, so I'll say this is IAD-VCN-demo, sandbox compartment is fine, and here, I need to select the CIDR blocks for the VCN. I'll use the…
