From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Compartments and identity domains

Demo: Compartments and identity domains

From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

Demo: Compartments and identity domains

(bright music) - Welcome to this demo on Compartments and Identity Domains. So as you recall from the theory lesson, compartments are nothing but logical containers for your resources. And identity domains, you can think of them as containers for your users, groups and security configuration. So in this particular demo, we are going to create a compartment, name it Sandbox, and then we are going to create an identity domain, call it Sandbox domain, and we will put some users as part of that identity domain. So let's get started. As you can see here, I am logged into my OCI console. And to bring up identity compartments and identity domains, I'll click on the navigation menu and click on identity and security. And you will see all the identity services listed here, and some of the security services are listed here as well. So to bring up compartments, I'll click on Compartments here. And from this place I can go ahead…
