From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: Cloud Shell

Demo: Cloud Shell

(bright music) - [Rohit] Welcome to this demo on OCI Cloud Shell. Let us look at how you can use Cloud Shell to generate SSH keys. So I'm logged onto the OCI console, and as we discussed earlier, you can access Cloud Shell from the Developer Tools menu on the global menu. So click on Cloud Shell from here, and this will bring up the Cloud Shell. As you recall, Cloud Shell is nothing but a small virtual machine running a Linux shell which you access through the browser through the OCI console. And it comes with pre-authenticated OCI CLI and lots of utilities like GATE, Java, Python, et cetera. So right here, I can see my Cloud Shell is up and running. And the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to look at the directories which are here. So I'm going to generate an SSH key pair. And for folks who are unfamiliar, SSH protocol, also referred to as Secure Shell, is a method for secure remote login from one computer to…
