From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Demo: AuthN and AuthZ

Demo: AuthN and AuthZ

(soft music) - [Rohit] Welcome to this demo on OCI Authentication and Authorization. As you recall from the theory lesson authentication is all about your users who your users are, and what they are requesting. And authorization is all about permissions. Once your users are authenticated what level of access they have what permissions do they have to which resources. So let's look at both of these in action. I am in the OCI Console here and in the previous demo, we had created an identity domain. So let's leverage that. So click on identity and security. And right here I can see compartments and domain. So we created a domain, identity domain in the previous demo called Sandbox Domain. So if I click here, I can see that is, if I hover over here I can see there are no users here. So let's go ahead and create a user. So I'll click on Sandbox Domain, click on users, and you can see there is no user which exists right…
