From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Database Services introduction

Database Services introduction

(lively music) - [Instructor] Hello and welcome. In this lesson, let us look at the various database services available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. So as you can see here on the slide, we have the Oracle Public Cloud, which is Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. And as part of Oracle Cloud infrastructure, there are three main categories of database services which are available. So the first category is what we refer to as base database service. And in here you create databases on virtual machines with a choice of compute shapes, a single node or two nodes and block volume storage capacity. The service provides built-in automation for common database lifecycle management tasks, such as backups. Now, if you need to provision a DB system, these are called DB systems for development or testing purposes, a special fast provisioning single node VM system is also available as part of this offering. The second offering we…
