From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Cost Management

Cost Management

(bright ethereal music) - Welcome to this lesson on cost management. Let's look at what tools OCI provides you to manage your costs. So the first option you have are these things called OCI Budgets. You can use Budgets to track cost in your tenancy. After creating a budget for a compartment, you can set up alerts that will notify you if a budget is forecast to be exceeded or if spending surpasses a certain amount. As you can see here on the screen, we have two kinds of budgets set: one for $1,000, one for $100 and you could look at the forecast and other things and get notified if you are close to exceeding that or if you have exceeded it. It's an important way for you to manage your cost and be notified if the cost surpasses your forecast or your plans. The second tool which is available to you is around Cost Analysis. And this, as the name indicates, you could analyze your cost after you have spent it, but it's…
