From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Container Instances

Container Instances

(gentle music) - [Rohit] Hello and welcome. In this lesson, let us look at OCI Container Instances. So containers have become the favorite method of packaging, deploying, and managing applications. Meet Alex. Alex wants to test his containerized application but without deploying it on OKE, as the scale is not large. At the same time, the application he wants to containerize are running isolated web applications or restful APIs. He's looking for a simple, quick, and secure way to run containers without managing any servers. When you want a simple way to run a containerized application without using Kubernetes you can provision a virtual machine, install a container runtime, and run your applications on it, as is shown in the diagram here. However this process still increases the operational complexity as you need to manage the VMs and the servers, patch the operating system, and update the container runtime regularly.…
