From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Compute introduction

Compute introduction

(lively music) - Welcome to this module on OCI compute. Let's start with an introduction. So OCI compute service provides you virtual machines and bare metal servers to meet your compute and application requirements. The three defining characteristics of this service include this scalability, high performance and lower pricing. In the next few slides, I will talk about each of these in a bit more detail. So the first thing in the OCI compute service is you have this notion of flexible shape. What does it mean? Well, it means you could choose your own cores, your CPU processors and you could also choose your own memory. And as you can see the sliders here, you could choose a combination of of CPU cores and memory, and there's a ratio there but you have flexibility in choosing your own configuration. Literally, there are thousands and thousands of configurations you can choose from. Now, what is the use of doing this?…
