From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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(soft music) - Welcome to this lesson on OCI Compartments. Compartments are a unique feature within OCI and these are really powerful. So let's explore. So what is a compartment? When you get, open an account in OCI, you get a tendency, that's another fancy name for an account. And we also give you a root compartment. So think of root compartment as this logical construct where you can, where you can keep all your cloud resources. And then what you could do is you could create your own individual compartments, like you see here. There is a network compartment there's a storage compartment, and the idea is you create these for isolation and controlling access. And you could keep a collection of related resources in specific compartments. So the network resource has network, network compartment has network resources, and storage compartment has storage resources. Now, keep in mind, root compartment, as I said…
