From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Cloud Guard

Cloud Guard

(quirky music) - Welcome back. In this lesson we are going to look at Oracle Cloud Guard. Oracle Cloud Guard is a very unique feature available within Oracle Cloud infrastructure. What is Oracle Cloud Guard? Cloud Guard is a service that falls under the category of cloud security posture management. It helps to monitor and identify potential security issues, and then remediate them. What is really interesting about Cloud Guard is that it can completely automate the remediation. As you can see here, the two key aspects, you detect a problem, and there are a couple of ways you do that, you can check configurations, you can monitor activities, and then you can apply a response, and you can automate this response. So how does this really work in practice? So the first thing you do is you specify a target. And a target basically sets the scope of resources to be examined. For OCI compartments can be target, and their…
