From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Block volume

Block volume

(gentle music) - [Presenter] Welcome back. Let's look at OCI Block Volume Service. At the very core, the Block volume Service provides persistent and durable storage to compute instances. As you can see on this graphic here, there's a compute instance which is talking to disks persistent and durable disks, which are sitting on a network server. So the core idea here is to get the persistent and durable storage. What does that actually mean? Well, if you look at the same picture, again, you have compute instance talking to a block storage disk. You can create and attach these disks to the compute instances. You can detach and delete the disks, and most importantly, you can keep the data even after you delete the instance. So the data is stored independently of the instance life cycle and that is the number one reason why you would use a block volume service to provide that persistent and durable storage. Persistent…
