From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations

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Autonomous DB

Autonomous DB

(bright music) - Welcome to this lesson on Autonomous Databases. We summarized what Autonomous Databases are in the intro lesson, but let's look into them in a little bit more detail here. So the key idea with Autonomous Database, Autonomous Database is a cloud database that uses machine learning to automate database tuning, security, backups, updates, and other routine management tasks traditionally performed by DBAs. So the idea is all database and infrastructure management, monitoring, and tuning processes are automated, and DBAs can now focus on more important tasks. That's the key idea behind Autonomous Databases, right? So that's what is being shown here. It's a complete infrastructure automation, it's a complete database automation, and it's automated data center operations and machine learning. So the idea is as much as you can automate and let your users focus on differentiated, higher-level tasks, the better…
