From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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More waiting line calculations

More waiting line calculations

- When you walk into a waiting line system, as a customer, what are the things you consider? First, you probably look at the number of people in the line. If the line looks too long, you might just leave before you even join the line. Once you're in line, then you want to know how long will I be in this line? How can a company calculate how many people might be in line and how long those people will have to wait in line? Well, complex systems require complex formulas, but let's consider a simple system. One line, first come, first served, one worker, and once a customer joins the line, they do not leave. How do we calculate average number of customers in the line and average amount of time a customer waits in line? Before we begin, let's first recap our two basic inputs. The two most important variables to consider are customer arrival rate, how often do customers join the line? And employee service rate, how many…
