From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Goals of waiting lines

Goals of waiting lines

- Waiting lines. We may hate them, but they're a sure sign of a civilized society. Believe it or not, as an honorable and considerate human being, you're hardwired to respect the waiting line. Don't believe me? Well, let's think about a simple waiting line situation. Let's say you're in line, at Starbucks, waiting to get a coffee. No, no. Instead, let's say you already have your coffee. You're not even in the waiting line. You're sitting down, people-watching. You're simply observing the waiting line. All of a sudden, you see someone cut the waiting line. They simply jump in front of someone already in the line. How does this make you feel? I mean, who the heck does that person think they are, cutting that line? They aren't special. They're just like everyone else. All people should be taken care of, in the order in which they arrive. Waiting lines are important. They're important to customers, and thus they…
