From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Establishing reliability

Establishing reliability

- [Narrator] We use the word reliability a lot, usually to measure the worth of a person. An employee that's reliable can be counted on to be in attendance and on time. An athlete that's considered reliable can be counted on performing well when needed. In operations, reliability is no different except here, we're measuring products and services. For example, what percentage of the time will a lamp work when it is needed or in the case of a service, what percentage of the time will an Amazon employee successfully and accurately pick, pack and label a customer order? Let's consider the lamp example. In order for the lamp to work properly, the wiring, the socket and the bulb must all be operational and really that helps us understand the formula. The reliability of a lamp is the product of the reliability of all its parts, or in the case of a process, the reliability is the product of the reliability of every step in the…
