From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Defining quality

Defining quality

- Quality, such a loaded word. It's supposed to signify excellence, but really, it doesn't mean much. Why? Well, you see, there is no magic formula that measures quality. Quality is in the eye of the beholder. It's why we like different movies, different cars. It's why we dress differently. Look, my guess is that no one goes out to the store to buy low quality clothes. People buy clothes they like. Let's say someone's going to buy a shirt. What might be some of the things this customer might use to judge the quality of the shirt? Style, the way it looks. Comfort, the way it feels on your skin. Materials, the materials used to make it. Durability, the number of times it can be worn without falling apart. Brand name, perhaps it was the designer label that attracted the buyer. Price, for some, the price tag might be a signal of quality, and even then, it's not that simple. Some folks might look great in a new designer…
