From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Customers and waiting lines

Customers and waiting lines

- We encounter waiting lines everywhere, and while we may just see every line as just another line, there are so many different aspects to lines that managers need to consider. Let's first think about the number of lines. What's the difference between a bank that has a single line that leads to all tellers versus a bank that has an individual line for each teller? When there's one line, the line may seem long, but we know it'll be fair. A person that got there before you will get taken care of first. The person behind you will go after you. When there are multiple lines, we get to choose a line. If we choose the fast line, we feel very happy. We made a good, if not lucky, decision. If we choose the slow line, we probably get very frustrated. And even then, it's never a low stress system, is it? We're constantly looking at the other lines to see if one of those will get us to the front faster. Single lines are typically so…
