From the course: Operations Management Foundations

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Choosing a production facility layout

Choosing a production facility layout

From the course: Operations Management Foundations

Choosing a production facility layout

- Making those things that customers desire, making them well and in a timely fashion, and still making the best use of people, tools, and your facility. Operations management tries to give you all of those things through the use of different layout strategies, but beyond the best use of your resources, the right layout strategy can create a good work environment for workers and a comfortable experience for customers. While there are many different layout strategies for different environments, let's look at two that are polar opposites, line flow layouts and flexible flow layouts. A line flow layout focuses on making a standardized product with consistent quality, in high volumes, at fast production rates. Most tend to think of an assembly line that might manufacture cars. That would be correct. That is one type of line flow system, but there's another type of line flow system, a continuous flow system that might be used…
