From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Storytelling tips for websites

Storytelling tips for websites

From the course: No-Code Web Design

Storytelling tips for websites

- 20 years ago, in his book, "The Art and Science of Web Design," Jeffrey Veen said a webpage should answer three questions right away. Where am I? What can I do here? Where can I go next? This concept hasn't changed, even as the web has grown more sophisticated. If someone arrived on your homepage today, would they be able to articulate what your business is? What kinds of problems are solved with its products or services, and how these products and services work? Increasingly, I see websites that have a whole lot of nothing to say. The homepage says, "We're the most amazing thing since sliced bread, "and you need us." Plus, I should subscribe to their newsletter, allow notifications, and register for their free webinar to boot. That's great, but if I don't know how you're going to help me today, you're not that helpful. And why should I share my information with you if I don't know how you'll help me?…
