From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Organizing your content

Organizing your content

- This week, we're going to talk about how to reorganize content for a website design or a website redesign and the technique we're going to use is something called card sorting. This is Carlos, he's from the Roux Academy, which is a college that does art and sign, photography, all kinds of great things like that. They have a very old website and they need to redesign it, so what we are going to do is we're going to think about all of the pieces of information that should go on a website like that. So, the first thing we want to think about is who are we building this website for? And the most important people for this website are potential students who are coming in to learn more about the school, what do they need to know in order to register or to pay or to sign up for a class, there's all kinds of things. And what we're going to do is we've got some highly technical sticky notes and a Sharpie. We're going to write one idea per sticky note and we're going to make a great, big, huge…
