From the course: Nano Tips for Effortless Influence with Shadé Zahrai

Winning over skeptics

- When it comes to influencing those who hold more formal power than you do, how you frame what you say is everything. And I've got two tips that will give you a serious advantage. First, ask for permission. Now, this may sound counterintuitive, but trust me. When you're trying to sway someone in a higher position, getting their consent first can work wonders. Say something like, "I know a decision's been made to expand into a new market, and I understand how crucial that is for our strategy. I have reason to believe that our current approach won't be as effective as we hope. Would you be open to hearing it?" By asking for permission, you're creating a safe space for them and giving them a sense of control, creating psychological safety. Second, validate their authority. After you've shared your thoughts, make sure to end on a note that reinforces their formal power. Say something like, "I respect whatever decision you make." By showing respect for their authority, you'll be more likely to build credibility and earn their trust.
