From the course: MySQL Essential Training (2019)

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Database organization

Database organization

- [Instructor] The purpose of a database is to organize your data, and to make it available in convenient forms. My SQL is a relational database. A relational database is organized in two dimensional tables comprised of rows and columns. A relational database has tables. It could have one table, or many tables. In this example the database has three tables, customer, item, and sale. A table has rows and columns. In this example, the customer table has three rows and six columns. The columns are named id, name, address, city, state, and zip. A row is like an individual record in a table. In fact, some will use the term record interchangeably with row. In this example, the highlighted row is the record for Mary Smith in the customer table. A column is like a field. And again, some will use the term field interchangeably with column. In this example, the highlighted column is named address and contains an address for each row in the table. Each row in a table has a unique key. The…
